DTL’s Prof Heylings is an invited speaker at October’s PCPC Safety Assessment Workshop in the USA
October 2014DTL is proud to announce, Prof Jon Heylings, Chairman and CSO of Dermal Technology Laboratory and Professor of Toxicology at Keele University, is an invited speaker at this year’s Personal Care Products Council meeting.
Jon will be addressing the current issues in safety assessment in relation to skin penetration methodology and personal care/cosmetic products and the regulatory environment.
Jon has spent virtually his entire research career in the area of alternative tests for dermal absorption. He was a UK representative for ECPA, ECVAM, EFSA and WHO/IPCS and the industry member of the OECD 428 Committee that wrote the in vitro test guideline for dermal absorption, published in 2004. Jon remains an active member of several International Committees and Toxicology Groups involved with in vitro dermal absorption.